The difference between Reno mattress and Gebion mattress and stone cage is that the height of the Reno mattress is low and the structure is flat and large; the diameter of the coated steel wire is smaller than that of the grain, and generally has double partitions (wire diameter 2.0mm). Single partition (2.2mm) two. The commonly used double-disc Reno mattress has the advantages of convenient construction and slope protection, which can effectively prevent the stone from collapsing and increase the anti-scour ability of the structure.
Reno mattress product features:
1. Improve the stability of the riverbed slope.
2. Protect the river bed from scouring.
3. Provide a predetermined value for the river bank roughness coefficient (m).
4. The greening and ecological protection of slope protection and revetment, the development and treatment of river courses, and the laying of gebion mattress can provide long-term protection for river banks.
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